Flaming Pearl Mystery School
Qi Gong Classes
Qi Gong Classes
Qi Gong Classes
Gentle. Healing. Vitalizing. Balancing.
Gentle. Healing. Vitalizing. Balancing.
Often described as meditation in motion, Qi Gong is easy to learn, relaxing, and available to all ages and levels of fitness. It incorporates breath work, gentle stretching, and slow flowing movement sequences to help calm the mind and activate and cultivate your body’s own natural healing energy, your Qi. The benefits of Qi Gong have been proven through the ages, and include improvement in mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing. Qi Gong is an activity that requires no equipment, can be done anywhere, and provides a lifetime of rewards.
Currently Qi Gong classes meet weekly. Please contact April by email at taichiwithapril@gmail.com or by phone at 540-493-0670 to learn how you can join our growing Qi generating Community!